Three Tips and Tricks For Timeless Garden Design

Three Tips and Tricks For Timeless Garden Design

Garden design in North London properties can be a challenge, especially for those looking to make the most of a limited area. From tightly packed terraces to more spacious suburban houses, people living in highly populated areas often find it difficult to evoke the joy of the outdoors and the open wilderness that nature provides.

That being said, here at Eden, our experience with North London garden design has taught us that, with the right attitude, any garden can be transformed into a wondrous outdoor space. That’s why today we’ll be sharing three of the tips and tricks that we’ve developed over the years to really help you maximise the potential of your outdoor space.

1. Understanding Composition

Picture your garden as a painting. When someone looks at it, you want to create a sense of visual cohesion, drawing the eye to focus points while letting other details form the surrounding/backdrop. This is a stage of design that artists and photographers refer to as composition and the principles of composition are just as important whether you’re working on a painting, a sculpture, or even a garden.

By maintaining a focus on good compositional principles you’ll be able to transform your garden from a collection of elements into one complete picture, creating a powerful sense of unity in your outdoor space.

But what exactly are the principles of composition? And how can they be applied?

2. Making Use of Contrast

One of the most fundamental aspects of composition is learning how to break up an image into distinct areas. This can be most easily achieved through various types of contrast such as lights and shadows, complimentary colours, or even different levels of verticality.

When designing a garden, you should always be looking for ways to take advantage of contrast as a means to shape your overall vision.

3. Creating Synergy

Another principle it’s important to keep in mind is the concept of synergy – the way in which different elements of your garden complement one another.

In some respects, synergy can be seen as the opposite of contrast. Where contrast helps you break up elements, synergy is how you create unity between them. That being said, it’s really important to understand that these principles are not exclusive but, in fact, work in tandem with one another.

For example, while you might use features such as raised flower beds or stone steps to build some verticality into your garden as a form of contrast, you might also choose to use matching materials to create synergy between these elements.

By combining these principles you can create a huge amount of variation in your garden while retaining the sense that each element is part of a greater whole.

Looking for a helping hand with your North London garden design? Contact us today at 0800 022 4112 or by emailing and we’ll be happy to start with a free consultation.

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